But other members are there to help them adjust and gently direct them to the official community guidelines. With thousands of new users joining each day, some users take time to acclimate to a low hostility environment. With emphasis on a safe and respectful learning environment, there is generally a low tolerance for harassment and bullying. No matter which category a Duolingoer falls under, anyone can build a strong rapport with the community by being helpful and not taking their frustrations out on one another. (This wiki is a product of that tradition). The Duolingo community has a strong tradition of user-to-user instruction, by which users share community expectations, encouragement, and learning resources with one another. Official and unofficial community guidelines 8 Using the Search Bar: How to Get the Best Results.7 How to Find 'Top All Time', 'Sentences' and 'Active (Mod)' Tabs.
1 Official and unofficial community guidelines.